Camping Gear
Camping and outdoor products from Japan. Compared to our lightweight bike-packing collection these designs are more suited to use around the home or when travelling by car.
Sizzler Bottle Cap / Opener
In the very unlikely circumstances that you aren't able to finish your beer, pop a cap on it and enjoy it fresh later.
- Medium
Flame Proof Silicone Ring
The world’s first flame-retardant silicone band for outdoor gear.
- Single
- with Stand
Wazarashi Cloth Roll
From £30.00
A multi-purpose cloth on a roll, perforated so you can take as much as you need, for use around the house whether cooking or cleaning. Instead of throwing it away, simply wash and reuse.
Gas Canister
The compact 100g Gas Canister is ideal for weight-conscious users.
TABI, Ti Lightweight Fire Pit with Grill Extension
A compact yet highly efficient titanium fire pit that allows for larger firewood by removing the side panels. Designed for excellent combustion and easy cooking, it comes with a grill...
UL Aluminum Fire Tongs
A sleek and lightweight aluminum fire tong with a stylish, slim design. The U-shaped aluminum construction ensures durability and allows handling of large firewood, while the spring mechanism provides long-lasting...
U.L. Folding Saw
An ultra-lightweight saw weighing just 180g (including the storage case). Despite its minimal weight, the 240mm blade allows for cutting thick firewood with ease. Designed with a steeper blade angle...
A lightweight titanium fire pit, perfect for group and extended-stay camping. It features a spacious fire bed that accommodates standard firewood with ease and includes a trivet for precise heat...
Ti Okonomiyaki Spatura
A versatile and lightweight titanium spatula for flipping, cutting, mixing, and eating. Perfect not only for okonomiyaki but also for grilling dumplings, slicing cheese, and even as a scraper. Available...
- Black
- Grey
Chair Zero
The Chair Zero is the lightest camping chair, offering exceptional strength, comfort, and support - perfect for backpacking, kayaking, or bike touring.
Ground Sheet for Chair Zero
This convenient ground sheet provides a wide, stable base that helps prevent sinking or tipping on sand, dirt, or grass.
Table One
The Table One has integrated mesh cup holders and a stable surface area for plates of food or game of cards.
- Medium
Side Table
This compact, packable round table is designed for moments when you need an easy-to-set-up spot for a drink or snack bowl.
Ti Alpine Thermo Bottle 0.5L
A high-performance titanium thermal bottle designed for superior heat retention and portability. Its ultra-lightweight build makes it easy to carry, while the titanium construction prevents metallic odors, ensuring a pure...
BL Glow Whistle
A practical whistle designed for outdoor adventures. Perfect for signaling in the mountains or gathering a group, this whistle is made from glow-in-the-dark material, making it easy to spot even...