tet. originated in Higashikagawa City, at the eastern edge of Kagawa Prefecture, known for glove production since the Meiji era. Situated amidst the Seto Inland Sea and the Sanuki Mountains, this town offers abundant natural beauty and retains traditional glove-making skills.
- Olive
- Black
- Beige
- Medium
- Large
Workers Gloves
With the sensitivity akin to a bare-hand, these non-sweaty, smartphone compatible, high-performance work gloves are surprisingly versatile whether doing DIY, gardening, fishing or riding!
- White / Beige
- Black
- Navy / White
- Medium
- Large
Commuter Gloves
The Commuter Gloves are made of Polartec®, a fleece material from the US, popular among outdoor enthusiasts.
- Grey
- Light Blue
- Pink Beige
Kids Boa Miton Gloves
Fluffy, fleece mittens for little ones with a soft lining and a stretchy fabric.