Designed by acclaimed industrial designer Sori Yanagi in 1979, this wine glass is a reproduction by the renowned Hirota Glass of Tokyo. The unique design features a broad, weighty stem for added stability. Yanagi's meticulous approach involved crafting three-dimensional plaster models to perfect the balance between stem and bowl.
Available in two sizes, Small and Large, the small size is ideal for sake or small desserts, while the large size accommodates wine, shochu, or beer, allowing space to savour the aroma.
Made in Japan
About Sori Yanagi
Well-known for creating timeless design and user-friendly tools for the kitchen and home, Sori Yanagi is considered to be one of Japan's most influential product designers and leader of the Industrial post-war design movement in Japan.
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Product Details
Materials: Soda Glass
70 dia. x 115 h mm | 72 dia. x 143 h mm
Capacity: 170 ml | 340 ml
70 dia. x 115 h mm | 72 dia. x 143 h mm
Capacity: 170 ml | 340 ml
Care Instructions
Hand wash only, please do not use in dishwasher or microwave.
Each handmade item may vary slightly due to natural materials. Bubbles in the glass may occur naturally during the manufacturing process. Thickness of the base may differ, as each piece is hand-moulded. Glass is not heat-resistant.
Each handmade item may vary slightly due to natural materials. Bubbles in the glass may occur naturally during the manufacturing process. Thickness of the base may differ, as each piece is hand-moulded. Glass is not heat-resistant.