
Customisation Dunwich Dynamo


Customisation Dunwich Dynamo

All the gear. Earlier this month some of the tokyobike team took part in the Dunwich Dynamo (see the reel) They could have completely customised their tokyobike with drop bars...

Sizing Guide


Sizing Guide

CS26, Mono and Sport models   47 cm (XS) 4'-11" to 5'-4" (150-165cm)53 cm (S) 5'-3" to 5'-8" (160-175cm)57 cm (M) 5'-7" to 5'-11" (170-180cm)61 cm (L) 5'-11" to 6'-3"...

Modernist Estates


Modernist Estates

Thank you to everyone who came along for the ride on Saturday. Based on one of the hugely popular Preambulation guides by Stefi Orazi (Modernist Estates) we were guided from Bloomsbury...

Dunwich Dynamo


Dunwich Dynamo

We took part in the enchanting Dunwich Dynamo, a classic night ride event. Starting from London Fields, we pedalled through the night, guided by the red tail lights of fellow...

Life on Two Wheels Exhibition


Life on Two Wheels Exhibition

“Life on Two Wheels” is an illustration series which tries to convey the simple pleasures of cycling - the inspiration, the new encounters and the precious time to yourself.  Taku...

Customisation Jeffer Red Bisou


Customisation Jeffer Red Bisou

One of the original tokyobike colours is back and so naturally features this month. This bike was built for a customer who specified a classic Brooks B17 saddle and matching...