For Explorers
Outdoor gear from some of our favourite Japanese brands that will make great gifts for the adventurer in your life.
Pack & Carry Fireplace Large
The Pack & Carry Fireplace, made in Japan from durable stainless steel, folds flat for easy transport and storage.
Rechargeable Mini Hozuki Lantern
The Rechargeable Mini Hozuki LED lantern provides up to 100 hours of light.
Bindi Headlamp
The Bindi Headlamp is an ultra-compact, rechargeable light designed for everyday athletic activities, delivering 200 lumens of brightness.
Camping Cutlery Set
No more throwaway cutlery. Whether camping in the wild or simply taking time out the office for lunch in a local square or park, this compact cutlery set will make your food more enjoyable and your conscience clearer.
- Black
- Stone Grey
- 174mm
- 220mm
- 260mm
From £16.00
A lightweight plate that also doubles as a chopping board, so you can easily cut and enjoy your food without any extra hassle.
- 200 ml
- 300 ml
- 400 ml
Ti Double Wall Stacking Mugs M
From £40.00
The doubled-walled Stacking Mug range comes in 200 ml, 300 ml, and 400 ml sizes.
Ti Mug Pot 500
Versatile pot with spout for easy use with noodles and rice, suitable for delicate pours, lightweight and compact for hiking.
Ti Cup Gubi Gubi
The Evernew Titanium Cup Gubi Gubi is a lightweight cup featuring a traditional hammered pattern, a world-first for ultra-thin titanium.
Ti Stove DX Set
This Ti Stove DX Set is designed for boiling water and is easy to fuel.
Ti UL Pot 900
The Evernew Titanium Ultralight Pot 900 is an ideal choice for solo backpackers who want more than just the basics. Its short and wide design ensures even heat distribution, especially...
- Single
- with Stand
Wazarashi Cloth Roll
From £30.00
A multi-purpose cloth on a roll, perforated so you can take as much as you need, for use around the house whether cooking or cleaning. Instead of throwing it away, simply wash and reuse.
- Khaki
- Dark Grey
- Yellow
- White
- Sand Beige
Day Off Tumbler
A new take on the best selling Travel Tumbler, Kinto's Day Off Tumbler has all the same great design features but is even more 'carry friendly'.
- Tall
- Mini
Hand Coffee Grinder
From £65.00
If you like the perfect cup on your travels or simply want to enjoy 'slow coffee' at home, this space saving portable grinder is perfect.
Collapsible Coffee Dripper
Lightweight, collapsible, stainless steel coffee dripper.
- 16cm
- 18cm
U.L. Alu Pan
From £77.00
The Evernew U.L. Alu Pan is a ultra-lightweight yet durable frying pan made from Dura-Lite aluminium, offering high thermal conductivity similar to titanium. It features a titanium plasma coating for...
Amicus with Stealth Ignitor
The Amicus with Stealth Igniter is a great gas stove for camping and lightweight backpacking.
Navigator Cook Set
The Navigator Cook Set is a lightweight and compact cookware option suitable for both solo and group use.
Aluminium Camping Cook Set
Lightweight and compact, this five-piece camping set can be used in the home or for the great outdoors.
- Blue
- Green
- Red
Alps 7 Bottle Opener
Corkscrew, bottle opener and can opener all-in-one lightweight design.
Field Camping Chopsticks
The Belmont Field Camping Chopsticks are a compact, lightweight set of chopsticks with stainless steel handles and antibacterial wood tips.
- Black
- Silver
Sylvan Works Cargo Cage
The Sylvan Works Cargo Cage by MKS is a versatile and durable bike cage, ideal for bikepacking. Crafted in Japan by the renowned pedal manufacturer MKS, this high-quality cage can...
TiNY Table
Compact and lightweight, the TiNY Table is tailored for solo adventurers and is easily foldable for convenient storage.
Wooden Sputura
A versatile spoon-spatula combo designed for outdoor cooking.
Ti Spork
The durable, lightweight Titanium Spork is a versatile Snow Peak staple, ideal for both home and outdoor use.