For Explorers
Outdoor gear from some of our favourite Japanese brands that will make great gifts for the adventurer in your life.
- Grey Beige
- Black
Packable Backpack
Made from Invista's silicone-coated Cordura Ripstop, this waterproof backpack is ultra-thin, lightweight, and easily foldable for compact storage.
Packable Rain Poncho
A super light, fully waterproof, packable rain poncho, designed for the committed cyclist by Fairweather, Japan. It features taped seams, an adjustable hood to accommodate your helmet and thumb loops...
- Banana / Beige
- Green / Pink
- Coyote / Coyote
- Olive / Brown
- Orange / Olive
- Teal / Flash Orange
- Lavender / Turquoise
Multi Colour Stem Pouch
Keep your drink (or any other small items) close at hand whilst riding.
- Grey Beige
- Lilac
- Yellow
- Green
Packable Sacoche (Ripstop)
Packable Sacoche from Fairweather, Japan.
- Grey
- White
Packable Sacoche (Dyneema)
This super lightweight, durable hi-tech material is the new favourite of outdoor and urban gear fans.
- Grey Beige
- Blue Slate
- Navy
Packable Nano Tote
Ultra compact, packable bag, from Fairweather, Japan.
- Black
- Khaki
Trek Cap
A cap made from elastic 3-layer material that’s breathable, waterproof, and windproof.
- Black
- Orange
Cord Banner Cap
A lightweight, packable nylon cap that’s waterproof, water-repellent, and breathable.
- Neon Green
- Neon Orange
- Neon Pink
- Silver
- Yellow
- Pastel Purple
- Pastel Green
- Neon Blue
Outdoor Multipurpose Tape
Cloth (duct) tape in colourful, compact packs ideal for repairing, protecting or labelling.
The Urban Forager
With expert advice from professional forager Wross Lawrence alongside elegant photography, this pocket-sized hardback book explains how to identify 32 easy-to-find plants in the city and cook up a wild feast.